Five good reasons why cannabis should be called an “herbal supplement” — not a drug.

Part 2 of “Why cannabis shouldn’t be legalized

Amber Plaster
4 min readJan 13, 2023


Welcome back, if you missed the first part, please click the hyperlink in the subtitle above.

Photo by Stefan Rodriguez on Unsplash

What would happen if the Federal Government decided cannabis was no longer considered a “dangerous drug”, and what category would cannabis then fall under? The category of herbal supplements.

Why should you care about herbal supplements? Fantastic question.

  1. This categorization covers the valid health concerns US citizens may have about consuming cannabis under less regulation. If a consumable is treated as a “herbal supplement”, possession is no longer criminalized. Herbal supplements are regulated by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), but not as strictly as drug prescriptions or over-the-counter drugs.
  2. If the United States were to vote to relinquish cannabis as a “schedule 1 drug, containing no medicinal value” (sounds silly when you say it out loud, doesn’t it?) - it would still be federally regulated for safety. Likely, additional government resources would be allocated to consumer safety. We’re already seeing this at the state level, with the newly-formed Department of Cannabis

